Full list of speakers announced

8th October 2018 at 17:25

After much, agonising, deliberation by the core programme team, informed by a panel of over 15 reviewers (some of whom worked double, or even triple, shifts), the final list of speakers can now be announced.

But before that I'd like to say a bit more about the selection process. As any conference organiser will tell you, the hardest part is usually deciding who will be in the programme and who won't. With a ratio of four submissions to every available slot this was especially true. And on top of that the submissions themselves were just excellent in general.

So while this classifies as a "good problem to have", it was a problem nonetheless. Saying "no" to so many outstanding speakers and talks was heartbreaking - but that was what I signed up for.

I've said this to some people already, but I'll say it again here - and this is no hyperbole: we could easily make at least one world class conference from just the talks that weren't selected - probably two!

In fact the task was so hard that we have decided to add an extra half a track (in practice this probably means that one of the two days will have four tracks instead of three)!

And so we arrive at the list. The schedule is another step that will be put together later.

Adi Shavit What I Talk about When I Talk about Cross Platform Development
Anastasiia Kazakova Debug C++ Without Running
Andreas Fertig Fast and Small - What are the Costs of Language Features
Arne Mertz Learning (and teaching) modern C++ - Challenges and Resources
Arvid Gerstmann Building a C++ Reflection System in One Weekend Using Clang and LLVM
Barney Dellar Strong Types in C++
Björn Fahller Programming with Contracts in C++20
Clare Macrae Quickly testing legacy code
Frances Buontempo Diffuse your way out of a paper bag
Guy Davidson A linear algebra library for C++23
Hana Dusíková Regular Expressions Done in Compile Time
Jason Turner Practical Performance Practices Revisited
John Shearer Sailing from 4 to 7 Cs: just keep swimming
Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente Postmodern immutable data structures
Kevlin Henney The Forgotten Art of Structured Programming
Nicolai Josuttis C++17 - The Biggest Traps
Odin Holmes boost.tmp: Your DSL for Metaprogramming
Peter Bindels Designing for beginners: Simple graphics, a case study
Simon Brand How to Write Well-Behaved Value Wrappers
Timur Doumler Initialisation in modern C++
Tony Wasserka Teaching Old Compilers New Tricks: Transpiling C++17 to C++11
Victor Ciura Better Tools in Your Clang Toolbox: Extending clang-tidy With Your Custom Checks
Viktor Kirilov The Hitchhiker's Guide to Faster Builds
Vittorio Romeo Higher-order functions and `function_ref`
Walter E. Brown C++ Function Templates: How Do They Really Work?

In addition to the two keynotes, already announced, there will be an additional plenary session at the end of the first day:

Patricia AasDeconstructing Privilege

Many thanks to everyone who has made this possible so far - all the speakers, selected or not, all the reviewers - and all those who bought enough Early Bird tickets that we have the confidence to add the extra track!