Announcing C++ on Sea 2021

22nd March 2021 at 21:30

We're pleased to announce that this year's event will be held from 30th June - 2nd July (Wednesday to Friday). As previously indicated, we will again, be entirely online - and with a shift in focus to workshop material. As well as one and two day classes we also plan to offer half day sessions, and one full "conference" day. The idea here is to close the gap between workshops and the main conference so we think of them as more of a continuum.

We know that, typically, less than half of regular conference attendees also attend workshop classes - which is a shame because there is a lot of really valuable content being presented by some very engaging instructors. While standard conference talks can be educational, to really dig into a topic - especially in the context of a complex language like C++ - you really need a bit more time and focus. If your ticket is covered by your employer's training budget it may also be easier to justify.

We also enjoy the shorter form sessions of the regular conference, of course, and these often include an element of entertainment, too. Lightning talks especially so! So we want to bring this altogether in one package.

As a result our standard ticket, this year, is for all three days - that's the two workshop days + the main conference day. It will also be possible to just book any one of the days, of course - but the standard ticket offers the best value. In particular it works out quite a bit cheaper than two one-day workshops on previous years - so this is a great opportunity to sample the format.

We will shortly open the Call for Speakers and Instructors, as well as super early bird tickets - so keep an eye out!