Elevating Precision in C++: A journey below the surface of floating-point

Tom Tesch

14:00-15:00, Thursday, 4th July 2024

Floating-point numbers, with their varying levels of precision, serve as foundational components in the toolkit of both new and seasoned C++ developers. In this presentation, we will uncover the inner workings of floating-point variables, explore their limitations, and discuss strategies for extending precision while being mindful of associated trade-offs. Join us as we embark on a journey into the realm of floating-point arithmetic in C++, offering insights that will enhance your programming finesse.

Tom Tesch

Retro Gaming Enthusiast and Computer Science Educator

Embarking on a mission to mold the future architects of digital realms, I specialize in teaching C++, algorithms, and computer science fundamentals to aspiring game developers. My journey spans the realms of ASIC design engineering, embedded systems development, and a fervor for all things retro gaming.

My foray into technology began with a brief yet impactful stint as an ASIC design engineer, where I delved into the intricacies of creating custom integrated circuits. This foundational experience, coupled with a master's degree in Applied Science with a specialization in Electronics Engineering, laid the groundwork for my journey in the tech industry.

Transitioning into embedded systems, I contributed to cutting-edge solutions, bridging the gap between hardware and software seamlessly. However, my true passion lies in the captivating world of retro gaming systems.

Holding an additional master's degree in Industrial Management, my expertise expanded to strategic project management, providing a holistic understanding of engineering endeavors. Today, I marry this comprehensive background with a fervor for retro gaming, guiding aspiring developers not only through the complexities of code but also immersing them in the timeless charm of vintage gaming.