An introduction to swarm intelligence algorithms (Swarm your way out of a paper bag)

Frances Buontempo

17:00-18:00, Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

AI is a huge topic and most people are talking about LLMs at the moment. Let's take a step back and look at something completely different: nature inspired swarm algorithms. We'll discover how to implement algorithms using (virtual) ants, bees and other animals to solve problems. Each approach appears to give rise to swarm intelligence, and provides a good basis for learning how other AI algorithms work. We will practice using random numbers in C++, learn the basics of the SFML library to draw graphics, and think about testing code which uses random numbers.

beginner graphics
Artificial intelligence

Frances Buontempo

Frances Buontempo is currently editor of the ACCU’s Overload magazine and has written two books, one on Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning and the other on Learning C++ for those who got left behind since C++11. She has worked as a programmer at various companies, mostly in London with a focus on finance. She enjoys testing and deleting code and tries to keep on learning.