Sponsored: SYCL: Open Your Code to More Hardware Choices

Igor Vorobtsov

60 minute session
20:00-21:00, Wednesday, 13th July 2022

SYCL is a Khronos standard that introduces support for fully heterogeneous data parallelism to C++ and a solution to one aspect of a larger problem: How do we enable full heterogeneous programming given the emerging explosion in hardware diversity? SYCL uses generic programming with templates and generic lambda functions to enable higher-level application software to be cleanly coded with optimized acceleration of kernel code across the extensive range of various acceleration APIs, e.g. OpenCL. Developers program at a higher level than the native acceleration API, but always have access to lower-level code through seamless integration with the native acceleration API. We will talk on SYCL basics and show the case of the successful tsunami simulation code migration to SYCL and new opportunities it may bring to developers by unlocking other hardware vendors and architectures with reasonable performance.


Igor Vorobtsov

Compiler Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel since 2008. 14 years of experience in the areas of C/C++ and Fortran compilers, applications performance tuning and sw developers support. Igor has a broad array of application experience, including enterprise applications and high performance computing environments.