If you represent a company (or even an individual) interested in sponsoring C++ on Sea, welcome! This page sets out the options available.
Please note that all prices given on this page are net of UK VAT at 20%.
C++ on Sea is a brand new conference, so no historical data is available. We appreciate that considering sponsorship of such a conference is a risk. We believe we have set prices to reflect that. That does mean it's likely prices will rise in following years - so you may also see this as a great value opportunity!
So far the idea of the conference has been well received in the community - with a very good response to the call for speakers (over 100 submissions!). About half of our speaker submissions are from mainland Europe, with about 13% from the U.S., 16% from other places further afield, and the 22% local to the U.K. The programme is yet to be selected but quite a few recognised international speakers have submitted. Our two keynote speakers are popular and well known.
We estimate around 200+ attendees at the conference. This is based on: visibility in the community, relationship to other conferences (both in Europe and further afield), numbers from our "register your interest" survey and allowing for this being the first year. Given the response to the call for speakers, however, we are starting to revise this estimate up.
Most of our attendees are expected to be from the UK and mainland Europe, but, of the 140 who have responded to our survey so far, about 10% indicated they would be coming from outside Europe. Only just over a third indicated that they attend other conferences - which may suggest a good number of new faces.
We offer a few types of sponsorship: a traditional tiered set of packages: "Gold", "Silver" and "Bronze" - as well as what we call "Special" sponsorships - which are for a particular service or event, like coffee, or dinner and which tend to scale with the number of attendees.
We also have a couple of sponsorship opportunitys at not cost: "Supportive" (travel and team) sponsorships as well as "Community", for meetups, blogs, podcasts, etc.
£750 + VAT
Note the last two are a choice of two options.
£1500 + VAT
As Bronze +
£2750 + VAT
As Silver +
The conference tickets included with Gold and Silver tiers act just like regular paid attendee tickets and can be used for both conference days (but not the workshops). Whether you use them for booth staff, for employee training, or to give away, is up to you. You may also buy regular conference tickets and use them for extra booth staff, if you choose.
There are also ways to get sponsorship rights without paying directly:
Be sure to contact us to make arrangements if you want to use these options.
An effective way to associate good feelings with a brand, while also investing in ratio to the size of the target audience, is to take advantage of one of our special options. An initial list is here but this is not fixed. If you have any other ideas we'd be happy to discuss them. In all cases, in addition to the inline branding opportunities, sponsors will receive a thanks during the intros and any mention of the services being sponsored will include the sponsor's name.
Coffee. The venue has a facility for barista coffee service at the bar. These amount to £2.50/ cup. This could be sponsored as an open offer - get coffee when you want - or a token based system (suggest two tokens per-person, per-day). You will be thanked in the opening sessions, have a sign next to the coffee serving area(s) with your branding, and could provide cups or sleeves with your branding.
Dinner. An evening meal is planned for the monday evening - but currently this is at the attendees expense. Covering this would amount to £32.50pp. You would be thanked during the opening sessions, and during the dinner, and given an opportunity to tastefully distribute your brand - at least with a sign on each table - and on tickets (if given in time) - further ideas can be discussed.
Video. We're getting quotes for this now. Contact us for more details if you're interested.
The community works best when it works together. Swapping logos and links is an effective way to cross-promote events, services and resources within the community. Typical examples are: blogs, meet-ups, podcasts and other conferences. No money changes hands,
Logos will be featured on the website - on the sponsors page and also further down the front page (feature coming), but randomised on load (so not on every page view).
To discuss any of these options, or if you have other ideas you'd like to talk over, please contact us.