Leas Cliff Hall is built into the side of the cliffs overlooking The Lower Leas Coastal Park and out to The English Channel(/ La Manche).

You enter the building, at street-level, through what looks like a cafe, then down a grand staircase to the foyer area (you can also take an elevator), which we have renamed public. Registration is here, and there should always be someone on hand here to help.

From here you can enter the Grand Hall, which we call main(). The intros, keynotes, plenary, lightning talks and track 1 talks will all be held here. It's a large theatre hall, so we will only occupy the centre section. Next to the hall is a bar area, which we're calling protected. This is a quiet room you can use if you need to get away from everything. Speaking is not completely outlawed here, but is more like a library: no loud talking, no phone calls, no un-solicited communication.

The rest of the conference is down one more level (stairs or elevator) in The Channel Suite. This consists of the presentation rooms, const west, east const and unsigned and the breakout areas: break;, which is a bar/ lounge area, and std::cout, which is the exhibition space. The southern walls are floor-to-ceiling glass, through which you can "see out" over the sea.

The presentation rooms also feature floor-to-ceiling glass - on two sides. However, depending on weather, at least some of the blinds will be down to keep the screens visible.