Specialising Linear Algebra for Geometry

Guy Davidson

60 minute presentation

At last years conference the Linear Algebra library proposal was unveiled. This year we will review its progress and learn about specialising for geometry. Expect to learn a little bit of history, discover how to overcome the ghastly difficulties of working with a limited subset of the rational numbers, and look at a set of animations that wouldn't be out of place on an elderly Open University TV programme.

Future standards

Guy Davidson

Guy Davidson is believed to be operating as three clones of himself: not only is he the Principal Coding Manager at Creative Assembly, where he helps make good programmers into better ones, he also contributes to HMI development in the C++ standard, works to promote diversity in the C++ community through #include<C++>, campaigns for the Green Party of England and Wales and raises children.

And plays the piano, teaches Tai Chi and cooks. There are probably other things too...