std::cout << "Welcome and orientation\n";
Keynote: A Retrospective from My Perspective
Walter E Brown
75-90 minute break
Quickly and Effectively Testing Legacy C++ Code with Approval Tests
Clare Macrae
Hypercritical C++ Code Review
Yuri Minaev
C++20: All the small things
Fergus Cooper
15-30 minute break
From Iterators To Ranges — The Upcoming Evolution Of the Standard Library
Arno Schoedl
Specialising Linear Algebra for Geometry
Guy Davidson
How accurate we are? A refresher on the floating-point computations and the standard library.
Boguslaw Cyganek
Correct by Construction: APIs That Are Easy to Use and Hard to Misuse
Matt Godbolt
C++ ecosystem: the renaissance edition
Anastasia Kazakova
Reducing Memory Allocations in a Large C++ Application
Arnaud Desitter
std::cout << "Welcome back\n";
Keynote: Concurrent Details Matter - Why and How we fixed std::thread by std::jthread
Nicolai Josuttis
Live Compiler Development with Cross-Platform Tooling
Sy Brand
Structured bindings uncovered
Dawid Zalewski
An Introduction to C++20’s Concepts
Hendrik Niemeyer
Naming is Hard: Let's Do Better
Kate Gregory
C++ STL best and worst performance features and how to learn from them
Danila Kutenin
Undefined behaviour in the STL
Sandor Dargo
🤿 Deep C Diving - Fast and Scalable Text Interfaces at the Bottom 🤿
JeanHeyd "ThePhD" Meneide
Improving Readability With Class Template Argument Deduction
A.J. Orians
Data-Oriented Design for Object-Oriented Programmers
Shachar Langbeheim
Lightning talks
std::cout << "Welcome back, again\n";
Clang-based Refactoring, or How to Refactor Millions of Line of Code Without Alienating your Colleagues
Fred Tingaud
Combining Modern C++ and Lua
James Pascoe
Serialization in C++ has never been easier! But wait, there's more...
Pavel Novikov
Lambda? You Keep Using that Letter
Kevlin Henney
A deep dive into the Gilded Rose
Barney Dellar
Algorithmic and microarchitecture optimizations of C++ applications
Alexander Maslennikov
Object-Oriented Program: Best Practices
Jon Kalb
Squaring the circle: value-oriented design in an object-oriented system
Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente
Rethinking the Way We Do Templates in C++ even more
Mateusz Pusz
PVS-Studio Features Overview
live music
Keynote: Bridge to NewThingia: How to answer "why will yours succeed, when X, Y, and Z have failed?"
Herb Sutter
exit(0); // Wrap up and goodbyes